SOAP NUTS-REETHA-Ritha - Sapindus Mukorossi 



Soapnuts are the dried fruit of the soapberry tree, which is native to India, China, and Southeast Asia. The nuts contain saponins, which are natural surfactants that have cleansing properties. Soapnuts have been used for centuries as a natural soap and detergent. They are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to commercial laundry detergents and cleaning products.


 Buy Organic Soap Nuts (Reetha)


Soapnuts are easy to use. Simply add a handful of soapnuts to your washing machine or bucket of water. The saponins will dissolve and create a sudsy lather. You can use soapnuts to wash clothes, dishes, floors, and even your car.

Soapnuts are gentle on your skin and fabrics. They are a good choice for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Soapnuts are also free of harsh chemicals, so they are safe for the environment.


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Uses of soap nuts:

Natural Laundry Detergent:

Soap nuts are widely used as a natural alternative to conventional laundry detergents. They contain saponins, natural surfactants that effectively clean clothes by removing dirt, stains, and odors. Simply place a few soap nuts in a cotton or muslin bag and add them to your laundry load. They can be reused multiple times until they become soft and gray, indicating that their saponins have been depleted.

All-Purpose Cleaner:

Soap nut liquid or solution can be used as an all-purpose cleaner for household surfaces such as countertops, floors, and bathrooms. Simply boil soap nuts in water to create a concentrated solution, which can then be diluted and used for cleaning various surfaces. The natural saponins help dissolve grease, grime, and dirt without the need for harsh chemicals.

Shampoo and Body Wash:

Soap nuts can be used to make a natural shampoo or body wash that is gentle on the skin and free from synthetic chemicals. Boil soap nuts in water to create a liquid extract, which can be mixed with essential oils or other natural ingredients to customize your shampoo or body wash. The saponins in soap nuts help cleanse the hair and skin without stripping away natural oils.

Pet Shampoo:

Soap nut extract can also be used as a gentle and natural shampoo for pets. It helps clean their fur without irritating their skin or causing allergic reactions. Dilute soap nut extract with water and use it to bathe your pets, ensuring a safe and effective cleaning experience.

Household Pest Repellent:

Soap nut solution can act as a natural insect repellent to deter pests like ants, cockroaches, and flies. Spray diluted soap nut solution around entry points, windows, and other areas where pests may enter your home to create a barrier that repels them.

Plant Pest Control:

Soap nut solution can also be used to control pests in the garden. Spray diluted soap nut solution on plants to deter aphids, mites, and other insect pests without harming beneficial insects or plants.

Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner:

Soap nut solution can be used to clean carpets and upholstery, removing dirt, stains, and odors. Spray diluted soap nut solution onto the surface, agitate with a brush or sponge, and then blot with a clean cloth to lift away dirt and grime.


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